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GDC San Francisco, March 27th 2009 – Following on from the recent announcement that a Multiplayer expansion was in development for the widely lauded Mount&Blade, Paradox Interactive have today revealed the first detailed information for the newly titled Mount&Blade: Warband.
Demonstrated publicly for the first time at GDC in San Francisco by the development team at Taleworlds, the expansion introduces a number of features that players have specifically requested and which will vastly improve the gameplay experience.
The key features revealed:
· Multiplayer – previously announced, the ability for up to 32 players to play simultaneously on a single map in Team Death-Match style battles
· Faction Rulers – A new in-depth system allowing the player to gain followers even as a rebel and to become the ruler of their own faction and recruit Lords as their vassalals
· Accessibility – Improved and additional detailed game information for players.
· Improved Graphics and optimisation – The introduction of state-of-the-art rendering technologies including HDR (High Dynamic Range), as well as significant improvement in the level of detail on characters, armour and weapons
· Increased interactivity - New interactivity implemented in the environments that the AI will recognize and adapt to, directly impacting the Siege mode
Un filmulet --- > [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
GDC San Francisco, March 27th 2009 – Following on from the recent announcement that a Multiplayer expansion was in development for the widely lauded Mount&Blade, Paradox Interactive have today revealed the first detailed information for the newly titled Mount&Blade: Warband.
Demonstrated publicly for the first time at GDC in San Francisco by the development team at Taleworlds, the expansion introduces a number of features that players have specifically requested and which will vastly improve the gameplay experience.
The key features revealed:
· Multiplayer – previously announced, the ability for up to 32 players to play simultaneously on a single map in Team Death-Match style battles
· Faction Rulers – A new in-depth system allowing the player to gain followers even as a rebel and to become the ruler of their own faction and recruit Lords as their vassalals
· Accessibility – Improved and additional detailed game information for players.
· Improved Graphics and optimisation – The introduction of state-of-the-art rendering technologies including HDR (High Dynamic Range), as well as significant improvement in the level of detail on characters, armour and weapons
· Increased interactivity - New interactivity implemented in the environments that the AI will recognize and adapt to, directly impacting the Siege mode
Un filmulet --- > [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin in 9/8/2011, 07:03, editata de 1 ori
Asta e chiar reusit !!!!!!!! Cred ca o sa il cumpar original .....avand in vedere ca arata de 10 ori mai bine decat un joc facut de marile case de productie...
E facut de 2 persoane. Sunt si moduri pt el. L-am terminat. E chiar bestial jocul. Provoaca dependenta. Dupa ce l-am terminat cu prima factiune vaegirs parca sau ceva de genu le-am luat pe celelalte la rand si tot nu m-am saturat. Un joc de nota 10 si cum a zis si Alex, merita sa dai banii pe original, ai si acces la multiplayer, care e total alta poveste, dar e reusit. :D
Pushkatu- Forumist avansat
- Mesaje : 846
Data de inscriere : 16/09/2010
Varsta : 34
Localizare : Bistrita, Podu Jelnii
Cel mai bun mod pentru Mount and Blade Warband este -->[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]<-- este aproape la fel ca si jocul dar ca are o multime de inbunatatiri cum ar fi :
- mai multe sageti la arbaleta [60 buc]
- mai multi bani in orase la piata [aprox 10 000]
- looter,deserters,sea raider si banditii sant mai greu de ucis ...o provocare chiar
- asediile mult mai grele
- mai multe trupe si bine diversificate
- mai multe sageti la arbaleta [60 buc]
- mai multi bani in orase la piata [aprox 10 000]
- looter,deserters,sea raider si banditii sant mai greu de ucis ...o provocare chiar
- asediile mult mai grele
- mai multe trupe si bine diversificate
Mai frate ...dupa aproape 5 luni de joc....mount and blade warband , abia acum mi-am dat seama ca pot sa le acord si eroilor din trupa mea castele spre a le conduce ei... , tot umblam de nebun pe la toti lorzii sa ii conving sa treaca de partea mea si fugeam de la un castel la altul sa il apar , cand colo...eroii mei stateau linistiti
Acu umblu de nebun dupa ceva femei sa dau si eu ceva la "...." , si nu vrea niciuna sa se marite cu mine , tot le trebuie sa le zic poezii si culmea stau si in celalalt capat de harta ce merge pana acolo , de imi piere cheful de a "..."
Acu umblu de nebun dupa ceva femei sa dau si eu ceva la "...." , si nu vrea niciuna sa se marite cu mine , tot le trebuie sa le zic poezii si culmea stau si in celalalt capat de harta ce merge pana acolo , de imi piere cheful de a "..."
Te sui pe cal si te bati cu ceilalti .....sau pe jos daca nu te dor picioarele :D
viata nu iti creste doar cand incepi o noua batalie ...sau sa stai putin mai mult pe harta ....
Stalker - Shadow of cernobyl - il gasesti pe filelist pack toate 3 la un loc
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