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This is a riveting BBC documentary that uses a blend of historical footage, contemporary interviews, historical recreations, and graphic animation to recount the events leading up to the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima — and the horrific devastation caused by the nuclear explosion
“Hiroshima” doesn’t moralize. It tells the story from the perspective of historical records, with a special focus on the crew of the Enola Gay (which dropped the bomb on Hiroshima) and a group of Japanese survivors of the bombing.
This is a riveting BBC documentary that uses a blend of historical footage, contemporary interviews, historical recreations, and graphic animation to recount the events leading up to the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima — and the horrific devastation caused by the nuclear explosion
“Hiroshima” doesn’t moralize. It tells the story from the perspective of historical records, with a special focus on the crew of the Enola Gay (which dropped the bomb on Hiroshima) and a group of Japanese survivors of the bombing.
De ciuda ca i-a prins pe americani cu pantalonii in vine si le-a dat o bataie de mama focului la Pearl Harbor .... au omorit tot ce au prins cu bomba de la HIROSIMA si NAGASAKI ..., un documentar care mi-a lasat un gust si mai amar de nenorocitii astia de americani !!!!
Asta sa crezi tu ca nu stiu ei ce se intimpla...... cand sant intr-o tara straina si fac ceva rau ...stiu sa strige in gura mare ca sant "americani" si nu au voie sa ii aresteze nimeni decat "oficialitatile" americane....tu daca mergi in america si faci ceva rau...daca strigi in gura mare ca esti cetatean "roman" nu te aresteaza ?????????
Pe cei de rand le pasa de restul lumii atat cat lor le merge bine.... eu am colegi de clasa in america ce se arata la tv ca le este "greu" numai minciuni , au de lucru o duc bine in continuare se lafaie cu petrolul furat de la altii...etc !
Pe cei de rand le pasa de restul lumii atat cat lor le merge bine.... eu am colegi de clasa in america ce se arata la tv ca le este "greu" numai minciuni , au de lucru o duc bine in continuare se lafaie cu petrolul furat de la altii...etc !
Noi nu putem face nimic ....noi 2-3 -100-1000 de oameni.... dar toata omenirea ar putea schimba radical situatia !!!!! Incet incet santem inlantuiti ..dupa ce ca nu folosim decat 10% din creier astia il opresc aproape de tot
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